Carnaval was
FUN! Holy, it was really
tiring and exhausting man!
So like, we have to arrive at the school at 8:30 right? Well, it was Borcescu's order!
I woke up at 7:30 am, exact. xD Bernard called me while i was in the shower and he was
complaining all the way to school that he called a lot of times and nobody's answering. :D Whatever.
Good thing he arrived at 8:25 or so because if he came at 8:20 sharp, i'm dead. I was still combing my hair at that time. ;]
Anyway, since it was very cold,
as they say, Carnaval games took place
inside the school building. Soooo homo!!
It's much easier to play outside and the school building's REALLY crowded. o.o; Kids were all over the place and captains are shouting. Eee, not a nice scenario eh?
They said it's too cold outside. But it's
NOT! And even if it is, kids are playing and running and jumping or whatever so they won't be able to feel it. Blah.
Our team number is 8B. :DAnd kids in my team were REALLY great and nice!
I admit,
i hate kids. They're the little devils that you really really wanna avoid.
But i guess kids aren't so bad after all. :)
I thought they didn't have any spirit. Because teams have to cheer and scream and yell or whatever.
You have to show team spirit in your own way. So gaayyy. ;_;
And then Bernard came up with,
'Go 8B go! Go 8B fight! 8B go and win this fight!' I was like okkkaaaayyy. o.o; But we didn't use his cheer anyway. xD
We were just like,
'Gimmie an L! Gimmie an E! Gimmie a V! Gimmie an I! Gimmie an S! What does that stand for?! LEVIS!!'Lmao. My throat hurts just because of all that screaming. ;_;
But it was fun screaming LEVIS with the kids though. xDD
Darn, our team name is LEVIS. Harhar. Kids were like, 'Oh, we have Levi's pants at home!! :DD'
And then one even said, 'Levis alone.' If you don't get his joke, you're stupid.
We were pronuncing it as 'Livays' all the way but a teacher approached me and said, 'What's your team's name?' Then i went, 'Livays.' Then she was like, 'No my dear. Levi.' Hookay, it's hard to explain here but you have to hear it. Spelling of the Levi's jeans and Levis are the same, but different pronunciation. Well, whatever. We went on with Livays. xD
I like Kamille's team better. FRONTENAC dudeee! Sounds sooo cool. xD
And Michelle's teams is ORLEANS. :D Wooo.
I didn't even see Kamille's team! We had a game against Michelle's team.. I think that was the Bonhomme Bull's eye thing. o.o;
I thought we were gonna win since we only had 2 loses and the rest are ties and wins. >DD
At least we tried our very hardest and LEVIS is the best for me.
Labshoo guys. :DD
But.. uhh.. we had a little bit if problem in the middle of the game. D:
Aaron pushed John while he was doing the sack race.God, he was really upset and he even went like, 'Aaron, i hate you!' to him. Aww. They were friends, they were even hugging each other in the first few hours. John was crying and his hyperness disappeared.
Poor kid. :(
Soo, we lost to Janet's team and Rob's team. Rob was patting us in our shoulders, lmao. He was like, 'That's okay guys. -shakes head.-' ;_;
After all those tiring games.. kids had to go back to their classes.. And us too, of course.
We're going outside for the closing ceremonies crap.
They'll announce the team winners and who Bonhomme is. :D
So we had to get back with our teams and reunite with the kids. xDD
Kids and I were hugging. o.o;
Can't believe it! I was just gonna say hi and the grade 4 kid hugged me. Aww. :]
She talks a lot. :DD Love that kid, i just forgot her name. =x
Anyway, i thought Mrs. Simone was Bonhomme! xD I was completely wrong. It was the fat woman who's always on duty every lunch that confiscates iPod. Huff huff. Hookay, that sentence didn't make sense?
I didn't notice Bonhomme was fat, lmao. xD And i hate that woman, she always have to take iPods away. I mean, it's lunch recess and we can't listen to our iPods?! o.o;
Mrs. Kimpton is much better, she never notices us. Harhar, what an idiot she is. xD Why does she have to retire?! O:
Soo, team that had the most points.
350 to be specific, is 2A. :] I think that was Kevin and Joanne's group.
Oh well.. And the group that had the most spirit is 9A, Karla and Gerald's team. :D
They're the king and queen! >33 Waaah, lucky! They got to wear those crowns! D<
Thomas was there. And Karla wasn't there. She was decorating the gym for the danceee. xD
They're much better than the monekys. Monkeys keep on asking for my snacks. They're meanies! And this tall guy that always asks for snacks was like tapping me at my shoulder while we were at they're station. It went like this..
"Hey monitor.." -him
"Here's what you gotta do.."
"Nooo! Why are you telling this to me? You should be telling that to them, not me."
"Shut up, i have to tell you the instructions then you have to tell them."
"Meh, whatever. You were just the
fake Bonhomme yesterday. ;_;"
More shut ups coming from him. xDD
Kamille was doing random stuff with my camera. o.o;
We took a video of Thomas! Eherm.
Watch it! It's only 17 seconds long. xD And megaphones were noisy as usual with the background. Woohoo.
And uhhh.. I don't really wanna tell what happened with the dance part.
I'll sleep now. Zzzzz.
Frontenac team captain! Weeeee. :D
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